We can help guide your own sustainability journey
Our Commitments and Targets
Sustainability is core to our strategy; our future depends on it.
Find out more about our commitments and what our targets are.
NZMP Carbon Footprinter
The NZMP Carbon Footprinter makes it easy for you to find the emissions footprint of our New Zealand sourced products.
Unlock the New Zealand grass-fed difference
Our New Zealand cows spend more time outside than anywhere else in the world. Better for the cows, and better for mitigating climate change.
Our Regenerative Agriculture Framework
Regenerative agriculture is inherent to the way we farm in New Zealand, with our pasture-based system and focus on improving the health and wellbeing of our animals, waterways and soil.
As world leaders in grass-fed dairy – this is a journey we have been on for a long time.