UHT Cream
Dairy Cream is a versatile ingredient which can provide the flavour, mouthfeel, complexity, and functionality to a range of
A range made to perform in specific applications:
Cooking & Whipping Cream
This 35% dairy fat, partially reduced cream provides functionality, a smooth creamy mouthfeel and full flavour to your dishes, ideal for making pasta, soups, sauces and other hot dishes. Also performs well as a whipping cream.
Whipping Cream
This 35% dairy fat whipping cream has a light texture and delicate flavour. Provides the ideal performance where whipped cream is required, including bakery, pastry and dessert applications – hot, cold or frozen.
Cooking Cream
This 20% dairy fat, reduced cooking cream delivers a consistently light and creamy finish to sauces, and provides the ideal smooth texture and coating to pasta and hot dishes.
Please note: these materials are available only in Europe