SureStart™ Lactoferrin 

SureStart™ Lactoferrin is a bioactive whey protein that may help protect against infection, improve immunity and support digestive or gut health. 

Lactoferrin is a natural component of breastmilk that plays a key role in immune protection.

Religious Status:

  • Kosher
  • Halal

Disclaimer: While we try to represent product images accurately, the representation on your screen may be different from the actual product for various reasons. Religious/dietary status is indicative only and may vary between material numbers.

Disclaimer: While we try to represent product images accurately, the representation on your screen may be different from the actual product for various reasons. Religious/dietary status is indicative only and may vary between material numbers.

Protects Against Infection

Provides anti-infective properties that help to protect against pathogenic bacteria and viruses.1

Boosts Immunity

Supports the infant’s immature immune system by enhancing the production of key immune factors.2

Supports Digestive Health

Has prebiotic properties supporting the growth of beneficial bacteria.3

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We have two Lactoferrin ingredients in the range to provide manufacturers with more flexibility to develop infant formula products. Our ingredients, SureStart™ Lactoferrin 7100 and SureStart™ Lactoferrin 7200, promote the growth of bifidobacteria in preterm infants, contributing to the development of the immune and digestive system.

SureStart™ Lactoferrin 7100

NZMP SureStart™ Lactoferrin 7100 is an iron binding whey protein extracted from fresh New Zealand and European bovine milk with a minimum lactoferrin content of 90% of the total protein. 

This product is manufactured in Europe and New Zealand with specifications tailored for dry blend processing of maternal and paediatric products.

SureStart™ Lactoferrin 7200

NZMP SureStart™ Lactoferrin 7200 is an iron binding whey protein extracted from fresh New Zealand  and European bovine milk with a minimum lactoferrin content of 95% of the total protein. 

This product is manufactured in Europe and New Zealand with specifications tailored for dry blend processing of maternal and paediatric products.

This ingredient can be used in the following applications:

A key ingredient in infant nutrition

Lactoferrin is an iron-binding glycoprotein found in high concentration in human breast milk4 and has been shown to have important and diverse biological functions.


Bovine milk lactoferrin is similar in structure and function to human milk lactoferrin.5 Lactoferrin has antibacterial, antiviral, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities and immunomodulatory functions and is involved in iron uptake by intestinal cells.4,6 Because of its partial resistance to digestion in infants, lactoferrin may have a prebiotic effect and stimulate gut maturation.


Lactoferrin has been shown to promote the growth of bifidobacteria in preterm infants, contributing to the development of the immune system.7

Why Lactoferrin is essential

When a baby is born, they have an immature immune system so they rely heavily on immunity passed on from its mother at birth. They also rely on key components in breastmilk such as Lactoferrin.8


This is important to protect the baby until it can develop its own system to defend against viral or bacterial infection.

Demand for Lactoferrin is soaring

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, the focus on immune health is increasing. 


Demand for Lactoferrin-fortified nutritional products is increasing. Parents are seeking products which contain ingredients for protection and immunity for their baby.9

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Lactoferrin is hydroscopic. Keep separated from odoriferous and volatile materials to prevent the absorption of flavour and odour taints. Ensure adequate protection by storing at temperatures below 25oC and relative humidities below 65%. Packages should not be in direct contact with walls or floors. Stock should be used within 36 months of manufacture.

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  • [1] Demmelmair H, Prell C, Timby N, Lönnerdal B. Benefits of Lactoferrin, Osteopontin and Milk Fat Globule Membranes for Infants. Nutrients 2017; 9; 817-38
  • [2] Drago-Serrano ME, Campos-Rodríguez R, Carrero JC, de la Garza M. Lactoferrin: Balancing Ups and Downs of Inflammation Due to Microbial Infections. Int J Mol Sci. 2017;18: 501-26
  • [3] Roberts AK, Chierici R, Sawatzki G, Hill MJ, Volpato S, Vigi V. Supplementation of an adapted formula with bovine lactoferrin: 1. Effect on the infant faecal flora. Acta Paediatr.1992; 81(2):119-24
  • [4] Lonnerdal, B. (2016). J Pediatr. 173: S4-9; Lonnerdal, B. (2014). Am J Clin Nutr 99: 712S–7S; Lonnerdal B (2009), Nutritional roles of Lactoferrin. Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition and Metabolic Care, 12, 293-297
  • [5] King JC Jr, Cummings GE, Guo N, Trivedi L, Readmond BX, Keane V, Feigelman S, de Waard R. (2007). J. Pediatr. Gastroenterol. Nutr. 44: 245-251
  • [6] Iyer S & Lonnerdal B (1993) Lactoferrin, lactoferrin receptors and iron metabolism. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 47, 232-241; Valenti P & Antonini G (2005) Lactoferrin: an important host defence against microbial and viral attack. Cell and Molecular Life Science, 62, 2576-2587; Lonnerdal B & Iyer S (1995) Lactoferrin: molecular structure and biological function, Annual Reviews in Nutrition, 15, 93-110
  • [7] Wakabayshi H, Takase M & Tomita M (2003) Lactoferricin derived from milk protein lactoferrin. Current Pharmaceutical Design, 9, 1277-1287; Kawaguchi S, Hayashi T, Masano H, Okuyama K, Suzuki T. & Kawase K. (1989) Effect of lactoferrin-enriched infant formula on low birth weight infants. Shuusankiigaku, 19, 125-130.
  • [8] Paesano R, Pietropaoli M, Gessani S, Valenti P. (2009). Biochimie. 91 (1): 44-51.
  • [9] Basha S, Surenden N, Pichichero M. Immune Responses in Neonates Expert Rev Clin Immunol. 2014 September ; 10(9): 1171–1184. doi:10.1586/17446 66X.2014.942288
  • [10] Dairy Industries International, Lactoferrin market set to increase, 9 April 2021
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